Cheerleading is a tough blend of stunts, chants, dance, tumbles and jumps. Some consider this one of the toughest sports in the world; mixing strength and endurance into what we like to think of a 2:30 minute sprint of performing. But hearing the scream of the crowd and the adrenaline of your teammates makes everything worth it! Honestly, there is nothing like the thrill of nailing a new move or the trust and support that you gain with your stunt group throughout the year. In cheerleading, you are your own cheerleader, for you and the team, which is why the atmosphere you will find in our classes is honestly like no other. The bond of our organisation and the energy that we bring to each practice is always incredible, we couldn’t be prouder of our team.
The Groningen Giants started in September 2019, supported by the incredibly talented American football team (Groningen Giants). Since then we have successfully won our first competition with the AFBN, performing in the Senior Mixed Cheer category, and winning the spirit award of the whole competition.
We are always looking for new members and would love for you to join us in this journey! If you are interested in coming to our practices click on our join page!